Thursday, July 23, 2009


I will begin by telling you a little bit about myself personally. I am 29 years old, married to the love of my life, have two boys ( referred to as my heathens), live on a thirty acre farm in the Middle of Nowhere, KS, and am passionate about animals. I remember dragging home possums, raccoons, bunnies, a baby mouse once, birds, and all sorts of critters that “needed” me.

Horses have always been my favorite, however, and it has always been my dream to work with them full time. I have ridden horses since I was a kid and Dustin has too. We began to break and train on a very small scale when we first got married. It was usually for a friend of a friend or somebody’s uncle’s cousin’s sister’s neighbor, you know how it goes. Eventually, we started to build a reputation and we started to get more and more interest in the way we did things.

We bought our first home just a year ago, in Feb of ‘08. We had always lived in the country (Dustin and I grew up next door to each other) but it was a heady feeling signing those mortgage papers to our very own, very used, thirty acre farm. It came complete with a broken windmill (still broken), a big red barn (freshly painted), a chicken coop (new raccoon-proof roof), a two story three bed two bath house (both bathrooms mostly work) and a borderline feeling of hysterical glee. We signed the papers at seven o’clock in the evening on a Friday night and had our first trailer load here by ten o’clock that night. We worked through the weekend and was almost completely moved in by the time Dustin had to return to work on Monday.

It was slow going, getting everything in workable, usable shape. We painted the barn, fixed the stalls, tore buildings down (I learned how to run a cutting torch!!!), put buildings up (I lost a thumbnail), fixed fence, ect., ect., ect. Never a dull moment around here. Have a minute? Put up a saddle rack! Scoop some poop! Groom something! It’s getting to the point that my idea of fun is being able to go to the feed store. The guy behind the counter is probably thinking that I maybe won the lottery or got some very good news at the least when I waltz by whistling and grinning, but no…..I just got to leave the house by myself for five minutes, lol.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE what we do here. My heathens are generally well behaved and (knock on wood) almost unreasonably healthy, my husband and I are doing what we love and living the dream for the most part. I mean, I don’t think anyone really dreams of a calf with scours or a power kick from a foot shy filly with the reflexes of Superman, but the big picture is what we have always wanted.

We decided to go into business for ourselves because we had a clear idea of how we worked together when we trained, trimmed, or rescued. We knew what each others strengths and weaknesses were, we knew that the way we trained worked - really well, and we knew that we had a chance to help as many unfortunate horses as we could by addressing the issues of horse rescue in our everyday business practice.

Now, after many years of building the foundation, we are finally seeing the structure rise. We are booked, often months in advance, to train horses and the website has really taken off. The rescue work that we do is being followed by faithful horse lovers and more people every day write to ask how they can help improve horse welfare throughout the state.

Lessons are given to anyone who wants them regardless of age, experience level, or the intention to show. We simply want to promote the bond between a horse and rider, help people understand horses better, and to help people feel more comfortable and confident in the saddle.

This blog is about us. It’s about our horses. It’s about the calves, the cats, and the dogs. It’s about training and correcting horses. It’s about horse people. It’s about issues - moral, financial, emotional, health, mental, ect. that affect anyone who loves horses. It’s about life.

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